Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My One Word

As 2012 begins, it's a chance for new beginnings and hope and promise. I don't  really like to make resolutions. This is for a couple reasons; one is because I never keep them and the other is it is so common. Everyone makes resolutions and there are times I really don't like to follow the crowd.

However, a good friend of mine posted on her FB about a blog that she found that had an interesing thing to focus on in the new year.  The website is and it's about choosing one word for the year that describes a way you want to become or a character trait you want to develop.

I thought this was a great idea, so after considering many words and who I want to be and become, the word that I have chosen is FIERCE! Or to quote my friend, "the word chose me". Most people, when they look at this word automatically think of something evil or angry. Actually one definition of this word is also "furiously eager or intense". To be furiously eager or intense to me means, to be focused, driven and passionate about whatever I do.

So what do I want to grow in as far as this word goes? I find that if I am driven by passion and desire in the things in my life, they usually go a lot better and I can do so much more in these things because my heart is all in and I'm ready to fight for what it is I'm called to.

Being a Christian, this also means being fierce when it comes to my walk with the Lord. I admit, there have been times that I have been lax in my desire to pursue Jesus and walk in His will for my life. Then I remember that He was fierce in His love for and pursuit of me. How much more fierce can you get than to die for someone you love!

So this word is one I need to pray on, ponder and will probably write many musings on my journey and how it is affecting the different areas of my life.

So hang on and stay tuned for more and walk with me as I learn what it means to be and live as a fierce woman!!!

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