Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Start

As you will see, I started a new blog. This was for two reasons; the first being I couldn't log into my old blog of "Ruth Reborn, Renewed, Alive". And the other reason is because we are beginning a new year so what better time to go deep into the things that make me reborn, renewed and alive. It is all summed up in one name, the one who loves me like no other; that would be Jesus Christ.

He has loved me like no other would or could. It's funny, over the last week, I have been getting re-acquainted, via Facebook, with classmates from high school. I wasn't very popular in high school and I admit I was hesitant to do this due to some pain that I had not let go over these last 30 years. But during this time, the Lord has brought a lot of healing and speaking into me the worth that I have as His beloved. You see, I was feeling insecure because I thought that by the world's standards I was not as successful as those I graduated from high school with. However, the Lord has been leading me realize, while this may be true, as I said by the world's standards, but by His standards I am a success. What makes me this success is I have chosen to surrender all to Him. To have him take total control of my life. My goal has been to no longer compare myself to others and worldly standards, but to give it all to Him and measure myself by his standards. This is simple, apart from Him I truly am nothing.

This surrender and desire to follow Him and let Him do what He wants in and through me, has changed my life significantly. I am totally His so deeply that He has called me to be His. He is my only husband if you will. I am called to a life of singleness by the world's standards but my heart is as in love if not more with Jesus than any couple.

When I look back on that broken, insecure, hurting girl of my high school days, and look to the woman I have become today, I know that it is all Him. And I am more confident, loving and able to give, love and serve with my whole heart while at the same time, stealing away with my love in the quiet times and places to hear his heart for me and be filled up and be able to move on.

So this is me to this point, my goal is to blog a lot more and let you in as I go forward on this journey in life and in Him and in my growing. So Happy New Year, come along for the ride and stay tuned...


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